Friday, December 20, 2013

Static Stance's first meet?

I can still recall the day that I came up with the name, "Static Stance"; I was sitting in class during my second or third semester in college, pondering about starting an automotive blog, and what I was going to name it.  Several ideas came about, but Static Stance seemed to stick with me....considering that I was currently "building" a static Z33.  

So, I left class and headed off to my full time job.  During my lunch break that very day, Static Stance was born via a free Google Blogger/Blogspot site, originally titled and later switched to  Little did I know back then that Static Stance would eventually have nearly 30,000 hits along with a Facebook limit of 5,000 friends on our Facebook Account and over 700 Likes on our Facebook Page.

2014 is rapidly approaching and I would like to truly make an effort to take Static Stance to the "next level".  Since day one, I've never really spent a lot of time managing Static Stance; I've been solo the entire time and often forgot to update it due to being a full time student, working full time, moving to Haiti for six months, coming back to America (and moving again), recently getting married (woohoo!), and everything else that's been going on!

I would like to personally thank each and every one of you that have visited Static Stance via this website or our Facebook.  Stay tuned as we attempt to plan our FIRST meet in 2014!  Thank you for all of your support!

Jordan P.

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