Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm Horrible at Posting...(December Update)

The title of this post, "I'm Horrible at Posting...", pretty much speaks for itself!  I want to personally thank each and every one of you that have continued to visit this site and our Facebook Page, even though I have been rather lackluster with keeping the posts up-to-date!  I've been busy with a job change, wedding planning, wedding, and moving into a new home....busy, but great! (P.S.....I've ran Static Stance solo since day one).  So, ladies and gentlemen, from this point forward I can assure you that I am going to try my absolute hardest to post on this site and our Facebook page on a daily basis!  Stay tuned for Static Stance's new look, coming hopefully by 2014!

Enough talking.....enjoy these Z's and G:

Photo credit to Luis Vivas

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